15 May 2014
Opening Talk

Date and Time: 15 May 2014 (Thursday), 5:00pm
Venue: Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
As part of the celebratory events of the grand opening of Connecting Space Hong Kong, we are proud to have invited Dr Uli Sigg, Anna Liu, Lee Kit and Dr Pi Li to join in conversation with Michael Schindhelm. The aim of the conversation is to discuss the evolution of Chinese art talents reflected in the history of the Chinese Contemporary Art Award since 1998 and the current trends in Chinese contemporary art.
M+’s strategy towards those trends and how to position the museum within the context of a diversification of the art scene within the context of both content and market. The discussion will focus on the role of global markets represented by HK ART for Chinese art. The perspectives of artists in Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta will be reflected in a changing eco system for the arts.
- Uli Sigg, Contemporary Art Collector
- Anna Liu, Director of the Chinese Contemporary Art Award (CCAA)
- Pi Li, Senior Curator of Contemporary Chinese Art at M+
- Lee Kit, Contemporary Artist of Hong Kong
- Talk and moderation by Writer and Filmmaker Michael Schindhelm
- Welcome and outlook by Christoph Weckerle, Vice President Zurich University of the Arts
對話的目的在於討論中國藝術人才,自1998年中國當代藝術獎成立以來的演變,以及中國當代藝術現時的趨勢。M+ 對待這些趨勢的策略又如何?在紛亂的藝術界中,M+可以如何替博物館在內容和市場上作出定位?為慶祝Connecting Space Hong Kong 隆重開幕,我們請來Uli Sigg, 劉栗溧, 李傑, 皮力與Michael Schindhelm進行對談,討論將圍繞香港藝術在國際市場上代表中國藝術的角色,嘗試在轉變中的藝術生態裡,反映香港和珠三角藝術家的觀點。
- Uli Sigg, 當代藝術收藏家
- 劉栗溧, 中國當代藝術獎(CCAA)總監
- 皮力, M+中國當代藝術高級策展人
- 李傑, 香港當代藝術家
- 主持及演講:Michael Schindhelm, 作家及導演
- 歡迎及展望:Christoph Weckerle, 蘇黎世藝術大學副院長
R.S.V.P. and Enquiries
Please email: connectingspace.hk@zhdk.ch
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