15 March 2015
Public Workshop & Panel Discussion

Public Workshop – “Curating Hong Kong”
Date: 15 March 2015 (Sunday)
Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm
Venue: Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
The public workshop was devoted to the theme on applying the concept of curating to the study of creative economies and to the dynamic development of Hong Kong as a (creative) city. The wokrshop gathered experts from art, science, culture and social studies from Hong Kong to discuss how the concept of curating might apply to their respective field of work in contributing to an integrative approach to creative economy.
The Cultural

Time: 10:00am – 11:30 am
Speakers: Cosmin Costinas (Director, Para Site), Teresa Kwong (Programme Director, Hong Kong Arts Centre), Philip Kan (Project Manager, Easy-Pack Industrial Building), Patrick Müller and Nuria Krämer (Connecting Spaces, Hong Kong – Zurich)
Host: Vincent Wong (Founder, Soution-On-Wheels)
The Digital

Time: 12:00nn – 1:30pm
Speakers: Maurice Benayoun (New Media artist and theorist), Simon Shen (Director Global Studies Program, The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Isabella Lo (Scholarism)
Host: Frédéric Martel (writer, researcher and journalist)
The Urban

Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Speakers: Geraldine Borio and Caroline Wüthrich (Directors, Parallel Lab), Iris Tsang (CEO, YHA Mei Ho House Youth Hostel), Vincent Ng (Director, AGC Design Ltd.)
Host: Andy Pratt (Professor of Cultural Economy, City University London)
Panel discussion – “Shopping Art – Trend Lab Hong Kong”
Date: 15 March 2015 (Sunday)
Time: 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Venue: Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
Curated by: Christoph Weckerle, Simon Grand, Desmond Hui
In collaboration with Nuria Krämer
- Aric Chen, Curator of Design and Architecture, M+
- Douglas Young, Founder, G.O.D. Ltd
- Euan Upston, Director of Central Police Station
- Hammad Nasar, Head of Research, Asia Art Archive
- Andy Pratt, Professor of Cultural Economy, City University London
- Frédéric Martel, writer, researcher and journalist
Moderated by: Christoph Weckerle, Simon Grand, Desmond Hui
The discussion panel focused on a specific aspect of curating: shopping. In the context of a highly fragmented creative economy, shopping has become an important driver behind the way art is viewed and sold. Art Basel Hong Kong provides the backdrop for this topic. The panel touched upon several case studies that examine the interplay of art, shopping, and collocated industries such as real estate and finance.

策劃:Christoph Weckerle, Simon Grand、許焯權及Nuria Krämer
- 陳伯康,M+設計及建築策展人
- Hammad Nasar,亞洲藝術文獻庫研究及項目總監
- 吳永順,創智建築師有限公司建築師
- Andy Pratt,倫敦城市大學
- Euan Upston,中區警署建築群總監
- 楊志超,香港家居專門店住好啲創辦人
時間:上午10 時至下午4時
地點: Connecting Space Hong Kong (地圖)
地點:Connecting Space Hong Kong (地圖)
關於:座談會將以策展的一個特殊面向 -「購物」- 作焦點,討論「購物」的現象在目前高度分散的創意經濟中,其動力及地位如何變得愈發重要。座談會將討論香港不同領域的個案。香港巴塞爾藝術展作為工作坊及座談會的平台,以各類案例探討「購物」與藝術以至創意經濟和其他產業,如房地產或金融行業等之間的相互影響與作用。