2 July 2016

Date: 2 July 2016 (Saturday)
6:00pm & 10:00pm (Hong Kong)
12:00nn & 4:00pm (Zurich)
AST916, Au Shue Hung Building, Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong)
Konzertsaal 1, Toni-Areal, Zurich University of the Arts (Zurich)
Since its inception in 2015 by the Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich, a group of musicians from Zurich and Hong Kong joined hands to compose and perform new works over high-speed network.
Telematic music is the live performance via the Internet by musicians in different geographic locations. Over the course of one week, two teams of professional and student musicians, composers, engineers and video artists from Zurich and Hong Kong will join force via high-bandwidth Internet, examining new creative tools and performance formats.
To mark the closure of this week-long mind-blowing , Conflux, which features two ensembles that take place in Hong Kong and Zurich simultaneously, breaking the barriers of geography, time and space and bringing a new music experience to the audience.
Local composer Lam Lai is one of the composers commissioned by The Modern Academy to write a new work, “The Rain Drops”, she says, ”Composing for telematics music is a different experience. There are many factors to be considered, such as how the sound effect work at the live venue and through the speakers (at the partner venue), the exchange and interaction between the musicians in different cities, and also I need to work closely with the technicians. There are many unknown, which also means there will be more new possibilities.”
“The Rain Drops” is a contrabass flute and viola ensemble, and will be performed by Matthias Ziegler (contrabass flute) in Zurich and William Lane (viola) in Hong Kong.
Curated by: William Lane and Matthias Ziegler
Compositions by: Joachim Flüeler, Christopher Keyes, Lam Lai, Bruno Maderna, Lugi Nono, Isang Yun, Matthias Ziegler & More
Performed by: musicians from the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble & Fellows from The Modern Academy (Hong Kong); staff and students from ZHdK (Zurich)
Co-presenters: The Modern Academy, Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich
In partnership with: Department of Music, Hong Kong Baptist University
Click here to browse Conflux House Programme
About Hong Kong New Music Ensemble
Hailed as “one of Hong Kong’s most progressive groups of musicians” (CNN), the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble (HKNME) aspires to transform the cultural scene of the city. Founded in 2008, the HKNME continues to produce and present performances of contemporary music in Hong Kong to a high professional standard. Widely praised for its innovative programming, the HKNME’s productions include concerts, outdoor performances, educational outreach, and interdisciplinary collaborations with artists from different artistic fields. www.hongkongnewmusic.org
Admissions and Enquiries
Click here for Registration
Venus Lam (e: lamyiklan@gmail.com)
Conflux – Hong Kong
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