16 May 2014
Date and Time: 16 May 2014, 5:00pm
Venue: Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
To mark the soft-opening of Connecting Space Hong Kong, we invited composer and performer Kung Chi Shing to curate an evening of music event. Sponsored by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Presence Switzerland, the programme idea is to develop closer contacts between Switzerland and Hong Kong. The Swiss Consulate General invited three local Hong Kong bands to participate in the concert, enhancing the vision of cultural encounter.
The swiss pop band “EUROPA – Neue Leichtigkeit” and four local Hong Kong bands, will perform at the Connecting Space Hong Kong on Friday, 16 May 2014, from 5 p.m onwards. The local performers will be: Leung Yan Chiu and Friends, Michael Lai, Sollasedo and Tsui Chin Hung Quartet.
瑞士流行樂隊 EUROPA-Neue Leichtigkeit 與香港四個獨立樂隊,將在5月16日下午5時開始於「連絡空間–香港」聯手表演。本地演出者包括:梁仁昭與朋友、Michael Lai、傻喇士多和崔展鴻四重奏。這場音樂盛會由作曲家和演奏家龔志成策劃,瑞士外交事務部贊助。秉承發展瑞士與香港更緊密的聯繫,瑞士駐港總領事邀請了三組本地的樂隊參與這場音樂會,藉此提升了文化交會的遠景。
5:00pm – 5:30pm
Leung Yan Chiu and friends (Chinese traditional music)
5:40pm – 6:20pm
Europa (New Ease Pop /新簡易流行)
6:30pm – 6:45pm
Michael Lai (Acoustic Pop /聲樂流行)
6:50pm – 7:15pm
Sollasedo (Acoustic Pop)
7:25pm – 8:00pm
Tsui Chin Hung Quartet (Jazz)

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