23. March to 27. March 2015
International Design Workshop
The International Design Workshop 2015 of the Master of Arts in Design from Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) will research and debate, develop, design, and present our design-based contributions to advancing our understanding of “Intencity”: the city as a place of physical and cultural density and with this with an intensity and diversity of lifestyles. The interdisciplinary workshop offers participants an excellent opportunity not only to gain first-hand experience of Hong Kong as one of Asia’s most intense metropolises, but also to collaborate with local designers, researchers, and artists. Students in Hong Kong and in Zurich will be linked directly through a virtual communication channel.

Programme by: Michael Krohn, Karin Zindel and Nuria Krämer
Participating lecturers and researchers Hong Kong: Géraldine Borio, Yanki Lee, Michael Leung, Kingsley Ng, Albert Tsang and Caroline Wuethrich
Participating lecturers and researchers Zurich: Hosoya Schaefer Architects & Conceptual Devices; Markus Schaefer, Antonio Scarponi, Lucas Krupp
23.03.2015 – 27.03.2015

課程策劃: Michael Krohn及 Karin Zindel
香港講師及研究員: Géraldine Borio、李欣琪、梁志剛、伍韶勁、Albert Tsang及Caroline Wuethrich
蘇黎世講師及研究員: Hosoya Schaefer Architects & Conceptual Devices; Markus Schaefer, Antonio Scarponi, Lucas Krupp