9 May 2015

Date and Time: 9 May 2015, 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Venue: Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
During the Umbrella Movement, Parallel Lab investigated the relationship between protest and space by mapping out the physical items, functions and messages in Admiralty, Causeway Bay and Mong Kok.
Yet this mapping is not just a documentation of visible elements. Its goal is to represent the personal voices of the people and participants and reflecting on steps toward democracy. Come pin your experience and share your stories!
Update: we are glad to announce the participation of MAP Office and Swing Lam (Founder of FB Page “OccupyWisdomHK928”)! Come to discover the film about the protest created by MAP Office and Swing’s original drawings of the ‘occupying architecture’.
另,我們很榮幸可以宣布Mapping Office 及林兆榮(FB Page “佔領期間 民間智慧選輯”創辦人) 將一同參與這個工作坊!屆時大家可以親臨欣賞到Mapping Office 製作之有關雨傘運動的影片,以及出自林兆榮手筆的佔領區臨時建築之原稿。
More Info | 詳情
MAP Office: http://www.map-office.com/
Swing Lam: https://www.facebook.com/occupywisdomhk928
Organized by: Parallel Lab
Hosted by: Connecting Space HK