Mirror Factory
日期:2017年3月17 日 – 24 日
時間:上午11點 – 晚上7點
地點:Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
《鏡片工房》- 現場表演:3月21日晚上7點30分
我們在聒噪不安的聲音和看似冷靜平和的文字之間遊走;又在意識形態的滲透與自我陶醉 的自拍中曖昧不清。被消費社會裹挾的我們一動不動,猶如溫水煮蛙,無視自身的能力喪失——麻木。是次在Connecting Space Hong Kong展出的裝置,試圖捕捉并呈現這些我們每天都面對的模糊地帶。
《鏡片工房》由一眾聲音視覺藝術家合作策劃而成,探討當前我們生理和心理上的生存狀態。他們分別於2015年及2016年在Connecting Space Hong Kong、柏林文化及文學研究中心(Centre for Cultural and Literary Studies Berlin)和蘇黎世藝術大學(Zurich University of the Arts Zurich)開展相關項目。
核心成員: Annemarie Bucher, Steve Hui (alias Nerve), Nuria Krämer, Dominique Lämmli, Justin Wong, Anthony Yeung
團隊成員(香港):Chi Chi Cheung, Kenneth Chong, Allen Fung, Michelle Hiu Tung Lau, Grace Hui, Shadow Kim, Wilson Lee, Stéphane Noel, Dino Ng, Michele Salati, Mary Jane Tang, greenmay Tong and Vicki Yeung
(中文翻譯:Peier WU)
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Date: 17 – 24 March 2017
Time: 11:00am – 7:00pm
Venue: Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
Opening: 16 March, 7:30pm
Mirror Factory – Live Performance: 21 March, 7:30 pm
Caught on a treadmill of leisure shopping and selfie-taking — with no time to cry.
When do we wake up?
We are ambiguously floating between catchy and unsettling sounds, calming and reassuring words, ideological infiltration and selfie-taking; like frogs sitting in a slowly boiling pot, we remain enveloped in the pleasantries of consumer society while neglecting our own incapacitation – NUMBNESS, an installation at Connecting Space Hong Kong encapsulates these ambiguities that we all face on a day to day basis. Mirror Factory is a group of audio-visual artists, who sporadically work together on the physical and emotional quandaries of our current living conditions. They have previously done projects in 2015 at Connecting Space Hong Kong, and in 2016 at the Centre for Cultural and Literary Studies Berlin and Zurich University of the Arts Zurich.
Mirror Factory artists: Annemarie Bucher, Steve Hui (alias Nerve), Nuria Krämer, Dominique Lämmli, Justin Wong, Anthony Yeung.
Team members Hong Kong:
Chi Chi Cheung, Kenneth Chong, Allen Fung, Michelle Hiu Tung Lau, Grace Hui, Shadow Kim, Wilson Lee, Stéphane Noel, Dino Ng, Michele Salati, Mary Jane Tang, greenmay Tong and Vicki Yeung