25 August 2016

Date and Time: 25 August 2016 (Thursday), 8:00pm
Venue: Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
Connecting Space Hong Kong is excited to provide platform for local creative talents to showcase their works. This summer, saxophonist Charles Ng will present a solo performance before continuing his training with the Zurich University of the Arts this Fall. An evening of modern music handpicked by Charles, this event is free of charge and registration is not required. Just stop by with your friends and family!
Luciano Berio – SequenzaVIIb
Karen Tanaka – Night bird
Hiroyuki Itoh – Angel of despair II
Joan Jordi Olivier Arcos/ Charles Ng – Momentum#2
JacobTV – Garden of Love
Jorge Sanchez Chiong – Ciudad Dormitorio
About Charles Ng
Born in 1991, Charles Ng is regarded as one of the most prominent and active young classical saxophonist in Hong Kong. Ng has performed with various chamber groups, wind ensembles and orchestras as well as a featured soloist. After graduating from Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in Saxophone Performance with first class honours under the tutelage of Michael Campbell, Ng furthered his education in masters studies in Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien. He has performed in Hong Kong, Portugal, Cambodia, Thailand, Austria; took part in the official Stockhausen Press CD recording of the “Linker Augen Tanz” for Saxophone ensemble and won the Fidelio Competition 2016 with Soprano Suvi Väyrynen.
Ng is set to commence studies in the Master of Transdisciplinary Studies and Specialised Music Performance – Soloist master (Class Lars Mlekusch) programme at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK); while engaging in a few modern music commissions projects with composers, Ng aspires to seek truth in his artistic pursuit.
地點:Connecting Space Hong Kong
Connecting Space Hong Kong 一直支持本地藝術家展示作品。今個暑假,我們請來蕯克斯風演奏家吳漢紳,於赴汲蘇黎世藝術大學進修前與香港觀眾分享好音樂!全部曲目由吳漢紳親自挑選,就在這個仲夏之夜與友好親朋享受現代音樂吧!
Luciano Berio – SequenzaVIIb
伊藤弘之 :「絶望の天使 II」
Joan Jordi Olivier Arcos/ Charles Ng – Momentum#2
JacobTV – Garden of Love
Jorge Sanchez Chiong – Ciudad Dormitorio
吳漢紳是現時最活躍的香港年青蕯克斯風演奏家之一。 吳氏於2014年以一級榮譽畢業於香港演藝學院主修音樂學士並於國立臺北藝術大學作交換生,師承蔡佳修及Michael Campbell。 2011年吳氏被香港電台獲選為樂壇新秀,並錄製了一系列電台與電視節目及音樂會。同年,他到柬埔寨進行義演,當中包括為當地貧困學生籌款的全國電視直播。2012年一月他於香港演藝學院舉辨了演奏會,其後更獲邀遠赴葡萄牙里斯本國立音樂學院演出,甚得好評。在學於臺灣其間, 吳漢紳聯同薩克斯風演奏家陳冠文於亞洲巡迴演出, 推動為薩克斯風而寫的新作品, 更獲邀到泰國Mahidol University舉行大師班。吳漢紳曾分別跟香港浸會大學交響樂團,香港演藝學院交響樂團,葵青管弦樂團及烏克蘭卡可夫愛樂管弦樂團演出H, Tomasi, A. Glazunov, C. Debussy 和J. Ibert的協奏曲。