City of Zurich Artist-in-Residence Program for Young International Artists
In association with Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)
Geographical focus 2014/15: Hong Kong
The Artist-in-Residence Program in Zurich offers a studio, an apartment and a monthly grant to young artists from Hong Kong. The main idea of the Residence is to create a dialogue between local and foreign artists and to open up experiences for artists at the advent of their artistic career on an international scale.
Since July 2013, an artist studio and apartment are available at Pfingsweidstrasse, in the immediate vicinity of the Toni-Areal, the campus of Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), and of other artist’s studios. The studio, apartment and a monthly grant are part of the City of Zurich Artist-in-Residence Programme for Young International Artists, and the program is conducted by Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich. The program welcomes applications from postgraduates from various disciplines across the arts (fine arts, media arts, music, photography, film/theatre, dance/performance) and design.

The City of Zurich Artist-in-Residence Programme for Young International Artists has been established for the benefit of outstanding graduates
− interested in pursuing work beyond the confines of their own discipline,
− who need space suited to undertaking such artistic work,
− who are interested to engage in the local artistic scenes in Zurich and connect to activities of ZHdK,
− who come from Hong Kong.
Duration, Form and Proposition
The residency periods for the next term are
- from October to December 2014,
- from January to March 2015 and
- from April to June 2015.
It is possible to apply for one or for two periods (three or six months).
- The program offers a studio, an apartment and a monthly grant of approximately HK$ 15’000.
- The studio is equipped with WLAN, running water, overhead lighting, and large windows. No heavy or noise-intensive work is permitted, since the studio is located in an office building.
- The appointed artist is allowed to use the University’s infrastructure (AVZ, ITZ, PZ, exhibition spaces / show rooms).
Eligibility and Requirements
- Candidates must have earned a higher education degree and are not older then 35.
- The appointed artist must be prepared to participate in activities of ZHdK.
- Once accepted onto the program, the appointed artist formally agrees to use the studio on a regular basis.
Application Documents and Deadlines
- Candidates are required to submit a curriculum vitae, a portfolio of their work, a description of the project they intend to pursue during their residency and an indication of the favored time period.
- Application deadline: 24 August 2014.
- Applications should be e-mailed to: Patrick Müller,, Head Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich, Head MA in Transdisciplinary Studies.
- Patrick Müller, Head Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich, Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland,
- Nuria Krämer, Head Connecting Space Hong Kong, Wah Kin Mansion, 18-20 Fort Street, North Point, Hong Kong,