10 May – 6 July 2014

Exhibition Opening: 10 May 2014
4:00pm, Artist Talks by Petula Sik-ying Ho, Dr Isaac Leung, Tan-Hoang Nguyen, Hito Steyerl
7:00pm, Opening Ceremony
Exhibition Period: 10 May – 6 July 2014
Venue: Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
Co-presented by Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich and Para Site, this innovative show is the latest demonstration of Para Site’s commitment to make a deep contribution to the city’s art landscape. Cosmin Costinas, director Para Site, and Chantal Wong, Head of Strategy & Special Projects at Asia Art Archive, conceived this show, which explores the many ways in which sex and desire are manifested, hidden, altered, and replaced by family structures, class, and other elements of contemporary Hong Kong life.
About Para Site
Para Site is one of Hong Kong’s leading contemporary art space and one of the oldest and most active independent art centres in Asia, today announced the opening of Ten Million Rooms of Yearning. Sex in Hong Kong. This groundbreaking exhibition features a broad spectrum of international and local artists and focuses on the relationship between sex and desire in the context of Hong Kong society and history. The exhibit is being presented in five disparate Hong Kong venues to illustrate the city’s diverse landscape.
《熱望之房 - 性與香港》
下午 4 時正:藝術家對談 – Petula Sik-ying Ho, Tan-Hoang Nguyen, Hito Steyerl, Isaac Leung
下午 7 時正: 展覽開幕
由Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich 及 Para Site 藝術空間合辦,這個創新的展覽展現了ParaSite對香港藝術版圖作出深遠貢 獻的決心。ParaSite總監 Cosmin Costinas與亞洲藝術文 獻庫策略及特別項目總監Chantal Wong認為,這個展覽探 索了 性與慾 如何被表彰、隱藏、變異,及至被家庭結構、階級和其他現代香港生活元素所取代的諸多方法。
關於 Para Site
Para Site是香港首屈一指的現代藝術空間,也是亞洲歷史 最悠久和最活躍的獨立藝術中心之一今天宣佈 Ten Million Rooms of Yearning. Sex in Hong Kong 展覽正式開 幕。這個突破性的展覽特別推介一系列的國際和本土藝術 家,並聚焦香港社會和歷史背境下「性與慾」的關係。展品 將在香港五個不同的地點展示,用以描繪我城多變的景觀。