4 – 13 March 2016

Exhibition Opening: 4 March 2016, 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Dates: 4 – 13 March 2016
empowerment | sharing | understanding
The exhibition at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) has been organized by FOA-FLUX and Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich. Some of the images shown reflect collaborative artistic work based on his in-depth experiences. They reflect the many dynamics at work when connecting people through using artistic and empowerment strategies. Him Lo’s video “Invisible Marks” talks about personal experiences and expectations.
This exhibition is in the context of the Action Art Conference.
About the Artist
Him Lo is a performance artist, painter, illustrator, and curator. He co-founded and co-runs the Chingchun Warehouse and Mr. Lung’s Woodworkshop. He is also the director of Hong Kong House of Stories. Him Lo received his MA Cultural Studies from Lingnan University Hong Kong, a BA Fine Art from RMIT University Hong Kong and a BA in Illustration from Middlesex University London. His work focuses on activating possibilities, aiming at changing living conditions and leave a mark in reality. He uses artistic strategies, empathy, and his profound knowledge on bottom-up strategies and on how to connect people. In recent years he has (co-)run many art projects to initiate social transformation processes in Hong Kong. Whilst focusing on empowerment, sharing and understanding, he is also interested in personal and public memories and how to alter or keep these alive.
Supported by
- Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich