Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) is focusing on its strategic objective to further internationalise its activities and to explore how a 21st-century arts university might advance as an institution in a globalized world in the coming years. One of our main goals is to establish a study centre in Hong Kong in collaboration with various partners from Southeast Asia. The development of a New Graduate‐Level Educational Format is a key programme within this initiative, Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich.
Earlier this year, ZHdK invited various art institutions and experts to a kick-off meeting in Hong Kong (27 Feb–1 March 2014). The objective of Forum I was to open up discussion about the development of an advanced, graduate-level transcultural and cross-disciplinary education format in cooperation with existing and new partners in the period 2015–2017.
Based on the discussions in spring and the feedback received since, and based on the experiences of the Summer Academy Common Stage, ZHdK has continued to work on a more detailed proposal, including format, content focus, educational model, curriculum, and organisational issues. These issues are discussed at “Forum II,” to be held at the Connecting Space Hong Kong from 11 – 13 December 2014.

Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)
Hartmut Wickert, Vice-President, Director of the Department of Performing Arts
Patrick Müller, Project Director Connecting Spaces HK – ZH, Head of MA Transdisciplinary Studies Peter Bölsterli, Director International Graduate School of the Arts
Daniel Späti, Managing Board Connecting Spaces HK – ZH, Head of “Developing Common Stage“ Ranko Markovic, Head of BA Music ZHdK
Nuria Krämer, Head of Connecting Space Hong Kong
Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA)
Samuel Leong, Deputy Director (Academic Programmes and Educational Innovation) (tbc)
Ceri Sherlock, Chair of School of Drama
Stephen Cheung, Acting Head of the Graduate Education Centre
James McGowan, Senior Lecturer/MFA Programme Coordinator, School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts
City University of Hong Kon (CityU)
Ip Yuk-yiu, Associate Dean, School of Creative Media
Harald Kraemer, Associate Professor, School of Creative Media
Olli Tapio Leino, Assistant Professor, School of Creative Media
China Academy of Art, Hangzhou (CAA)
Gao Shiming, Director of School of Intermedia Art (tbc)
Shi Ke, Associate Professor Performance Art, School of Intermedia Art
Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA)
Yang Chyi Wen, President
Liu Hsi Chuan, Dean of Academic Affairs
Lin Shaw-‐Ren, Dean of Research & Development
Hong Kong Baptist University
Peter Benz, School of Visual Arts, Associate Professor and Programme Director of BA
Experts (Hong Kong, Mainland China, Europe)
Danny Yung, Director/Curator/Artist, Founder Zuni Icosahedron, Board Member WKCDA, Hong Kong
Zhao Chuan, Director/Writer, Shanghai
Vivien Ku, Novel Hall, Taipei
Jörg Huber, Critical Theory and Aesthetics/Project Consultant, Zurich
Dimitri de Perrot, Composer/Director/Scenographer, Zurich