Workshop Concert
Monday, 13. October 2014, 7.30 pm
Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich, Konzertsaal 1
Simon Grab: „What you see is [not] [t]here“. Audio Fieldrecordings from Hong Kong (6’)
Ursula Meyer-König: „ganzohr“ for 8 tracks (8’)
Bojan Milosevic: „Manufaktura“. Film (4’)
LUME: Technology-enabled musical interfaces
Die Neukoms: „Accumulations“. Elektroacoustic performance for loudspeaker und mobile devices (15’)

Students of the School of Creative Media, Hong Kong, have developed musical interfaces in the context of LUME (Laboratory for Ubiquitous Musical Expression) with a focus on the needs of individuals who are normally barred from the act of music making – due to either a lack of access to formal training, social-economic disadvantages, and/or physical disabilities.
In the workshop concert, a presentation of these interfaces and its compositional strategies are combined with electroacoustic works created by students in electroacoustic composition and in transdisciplinarity, developed in the context of the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology, ZHdK.
Students School of Creative Media, City University Hong Kong
Chau Kwan Ki, Cheng Nga Man, Cheung Ka Wa, Chung Wing Sze, Lai Chung Man, Lai On Yan, Lau Yik Kiu, Mok Ka Yee, Ng Yi Ting, Siu Ho Wun, Ho Ying Tung, Yun Fu Chow
Students Zurich University of the Arts
Die Neukoms (Florian Bogner, Bojan Milosevic, Jeroen Visser, Raimund Vogtenhuber), Simon Grab, Ursula Meyer-König, Bojan Milosevic
LUME Laboratory for Ubiquitous Musical Expression, School of Creative Media, Hong Kong, direction: Samson Young, Marco de Mutiis (Assistenz)
ICST Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, direction: German Toro-Perez