26 – 27 November 2015
Exhibition and Discussion

Dates and Time:
26 November 2015, 4:30pm – 9:00pm
27 November 2015, 8:30am – 8:00pm
Venue: Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich
Information point: Toni-Areal entrance hall
The team continued the project back to Zurich in the second part of the research. In September 2015, the team conducted a public dialogue that became part of the inaugural Showroom International Z+ titled, Whose Agenda?, which consists of an exhibition, a lecture by the migration researcher Mark Terkessidis and lecture performance FANCY FENCE from the project POLYTROPOS held in 26 – 27 November 2015.
Showroom International Z+ is a collaboration between Z+ and the International Affairs Dossier. It is centred on internationalization as an institutional learning process. The target horizons are a university-wide reflection of core topics of ZHdK’s internationalization and the development of a theory- and experience-driven curriculum for project managers. Sponsored by International Affairs Dossier and Connecting Spaces Hong Kong — Zurich, Whose Agenda? explored different positions will be discussed in relation to the ZHdK’s international focus through performances, screenings, talks, discussions; challenging the artistic and creative self-images, modes of working, and frames of relevance.
Whose Agenda? dealt with issues that are relevant for carrying out artistic teaching and research projects in inter- and transcultural fields. For example: How can project partners be involved in the agenda setting at the very beginning? How can experiences with and insights into such projects promote the learning process at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)? And finally then, how can present and future international project and research experience of project participants be nurtured back into the agenda setting of ZHdK’s internationalisation itself?
Click here for the program flyer.