A curated knowledge space and exhibition.

time line
Date: 24 June – 1 July 2017
Venue: Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
TECHNOPOLITICS sets up a CURATED KNOWLEDGE SPACE that offers a discursive framework for exploring the genesis and current configuration of the Information Society.
The main visual element of the Technopolitics Timeline is a large-scale print that traces the evolution of our shared techno-cultural realities. The Timeline’s 500 entries draw attention to different events and genealogies from the fields of art, culture, media, politics, economy, technology, and social life that have been relevant for the shaping of the Information Society.
The project’s common objective is to investigate from a critical, explorative standpoint the heterogenic historical processes that are structured by techno-economic paradigms. An extensive workshop and discussion program focuses on trans-disciplinary and trans-cultural conversations to connect these processes to the cultural forms of the respective historical moment and place.
Opening and panel discussion
Date & Time: 23 June 2017, 07.00 pm – 09.30 pm,
Venue: Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
Timelines and graphs: Reading the network diagrams
Speaker: Doron Goldfarb
Date & Time: 24 June 2017, 05.00 pm – 06.00 pm
Venue: Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
Narrating the Timeline: Hybrid (hi)stories
Speaker: TECHNOPOLITICS working group
Date & Time: 24 June 2017, 06.15 pm – 07.00 pm
Venue: Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
Mindreading/Thought Transmission
Speaker / Video: Margarete Jahrmann
Date and Time: June 24, 7pm
Venue: Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
The Techopolitics, an independent transdisciplinary working group based in Vienna, Austria, is represented in Hong Kong by Sylvia Eckermann, Doron Goldfarb, Gerald Nestler, Felix Stalder, Axel Stockburger and Ina Zwerger.